4 Italian traditions that the rest of the world can't understand

4 Italian traditions that the rest of the world can’t understand

fruit italian why italians peel fruit orange italian habits face
Written by Angela

Even the most seasoned travellers occasionally experience cultural shock: the way we experience a new Country is always conditioned both by our own cultural background and from the stereotypes we have inevitably been exposed to. While certain habits may be part of your Country’s culture to the point that you would never dream of questioning them, they might be exotic and outlandish in other parts of the world. This is definitely the case for Italians who, despite having one of the strongest and most colourful national stereotypes in existence, still manage to surprise international visitors with the simplest and most innocent of day-to-day gestures. Here are 4 fun facts about Italian culture that the rest of the world finds puzzling.’

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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