Doing business in Italy: 4 industries that have grown in 2016

Doing business in Italy: 4 industries that have grown in 2016

Written by Angela

If you are considering starting a business abroad and looking for the right place in which to begin your new entrepreneurial adventure, look no further: starting a business in Italy is the right thing to do in 2017. Foreign investments are being encouraged on a national and European basis and a recent industrial plan called Industria 4.0 has recently been launched, with the aim of increasing private investment in development and research. Italy also offers plenty of qualified workforce in several industries and yearly hosts several major trade shows, offering ample opportunities to engage with potential partners and buyers. With an overall positive and investment-friendly business climate, the only consideration left to make before starting a business in Italy, is which specific industry to invest in. Here’s a quick overview of 4 fields that have grown over the past years and that offer promising prospects for the immediate future.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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