6th may 2022

Bike Building and creativity for BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.a

Team Building - Bike Building

The Customer's Request

Thanks to the efficiency of our Bike Building, we were contacted by Fabio Paloma, Head of Human Resources & General Affairs of BSH Elettrodomestici SpA to create a team building for 60 employees, to make them "build something together" and develop activities that would leave free space to creativity, giving opportunities to customize the presentation of your construction.

They required a specific location outside the city center of Milan, made up of eclectic spaces that are well suited to services of all kinds.

Smart Eventi proposal

We divided the participants into 8 teams so that everyone could actively take part in the construction phases of their bicycle, from assembly to customization.

Despite the rain, we managed to organize a final relay race as an indoor activity, using special rollers that allowed the competition to be held indoors, creating an atmosphere of healthy competition and cheering between the teams.

For the customization part, we have organized an area reserved to the "creative market" with tempera, colors, pastels, and bricolage, where participants collected the materials they preferred most to give life to the customization of the bicycle.

Results Achieved

The bike building activity has given excellent results, exceeding expectations with the addition of creative action and adaptation to unfavorable climatic conditions. Participation was strongly felt by all employees who had the opportunity to also launch green messages characteristic of this type of activity.

Customer satisfaction was high, so he asked us for a new Orienteering team building for June, becoming a loyal customer. 

HR Generalist GHR-IT (GHR-IT)

Bike Building: is an excellent metaphor to entertain and make think teams that collaborate automatically everyday. A simple but at the same time challenging activity, which gave to the many participants the opportunity to get involved in an unusual teamwork compared to the regular work routine.


Team Building - Bike Building


team activity

management and organization

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